What is the project?
In difficult times as we are living, it is more than necessary to try to do good. As this is already a constant guideline of the Christmas season, this year we implemented a Christmas donation campaign, aiming to support NGOs and other non-profit institutions that work with literature. It is also very true that culture has helped us to keep our sanity to a minimum during the pandemic and that books are capable of changing lives.
We can all help, either by donating items that Organizations/Institutions need, or by donating money through the Vakinha created for the project . The amount collected by Vakinha will be divided and distributed equally among all Organizations and Institutions partnering in the campaign after the end of the campaign (scheduled for 12/31) and availability of the money through the platform.
Partner institutions
4Paws collection
Area of expertise: Salvador, Campinas, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Maringá, São Luís and Garibaldi
How it works: Receives donations of books to the collection and sells these books, reversing the money to the animal cause. Shipments are made throughout Brazil, by post, but those responsible for the project are in the cities above.
What to donate? Books new or in good repair.
Where to find out more? On Instagram @Acervo4Patas
How to donate? Get in touch by DM on Instagram and ask for the address of the city closest to yours, within the area of expertise, to deliver the books. Books can also be sent by post, as long as photos and information about the status of the books are sent beforehand. If you want to donate some money, you can access our project cow . But remember: all the money collected by Vakinha will be distributed equally among partner Organizations and Institutions.
Quem estamos apoiando este ano?
Este ano estamos apoiando a campanha INCENTIVE A LEITURA: DOE UM LIVRO da ACEMADES - Instituto Social.
Os livros podem ser novos ou usados e serão destinados para a biblioteca comunitária que está sendo construída em Vicente de Carvalho/RJ.
Caso queira saber mais sobre o projeto, entre em contato nos seguintes números:
21 98759-5932
21 99284-5400
Doe livros comigo como intermediária
Você tem livros para doar mas não conhece uma instituição ou não está com tempo para organizar a doação? Conta comigo. Neste caso, você pode me enviar seus exemplares e eu me responsabilizo por encaminhá-los para a ONG que estamos apoiando este ano. Vou te manter informado de todo processo.
O endereço para envio é:
A/C Clara Savelli
Caixa Postal nº 72626
CEP: 01405-971
São Paulo/SP
Peço que, após enviar, por favor me mande um e-mail avisando em campanhadoacoesdenatal@gmail.com
Quebrada Biennial
Area of expertise: Various locations in the country
How it works: The Bienal focuses on democratizing access to reading, literature and knowledge in the country's suburbs and favelas. In just over a year of existence, we have already managed to collect more than 10,000 books and donate more than 6,000 books in various parts of the country, we even continued to donate during the pandemic period in partnership with Organizations to fight Covid, in the suburbs and favelas .
What to donate? Books
Where to find out more? Instagram and Twitter
How to donate? Get in touch through social networks. Then, a volunteer will be located nearby to get in touch and seek the donation where the donor feels more comfortable. It is also possible to make financial donations, either through Beinfeitoria or PicPay .
Vamos fazer o bem para quem faz o bem!
Contamos com você para que essa campanha seja um sucesso e para que possamos impactar positivamente a vida de muitas pessoas por meio da leitura!